I have tried so many different brands that provide packed frozen burgers. Some taste nothing but beef others have a good texture but fail in the juiciness and taste. Packed and promoted as 100% beef. Not much information is given on what and where the meat comes from. Do not be fooled from cheap prices as it will mean it?s of inferior quality. For some people, the perfect homemade burger is justified with the extreme topping, sauces and melting cheeses, but failing to deliver an impeccable patty, the burger will never live up to its juicy and beefy satisfying potential. It would be so easy to prepare your own patty once you know more about cuts of beef.
Just like having an endless variety to choose from for the toppings, there are wonderful cuts of beef to include when it comes in selecting which cuts of beef to use when forming your beef patty. A very important ratio, protein to fat content needs to be considered. Though I always recommend cooking your perfect homemade burger trough, it would be recommended to decrease the fat should you prefer a medium-rare burger.
One of the favourite beef cuts mostly used in blends and sometimes selected as the only cut to be used would be the Chuck roll, already at 80/20 it would give a wonderful texture, juicy and beefy burger. A good thing about this cut is that you can find it at most of the butchers on the island. If you would like to raise the bar as we do at Marina Club Valletta Waterfront you will need to find a renowned butcher that offers more cuts to select from. We use 60% chuck roll, 30% Brisket, & 10% knuckle. The brisket has a ratio of 70/30 will increase juiciness, since it?s a working mussel it will improve the beef taste, the Knuckle 90/10 ration will improve the beef taste and binding of the meet. Once you have decided your blend, ask your butcher to mince the beef twice, to improve texture and tenderness. Once it?s done easy blend all together and divides in patties. Keep in mind that a thick patty will cook unevenly result in an overcooked burger. We at Marina Club portion our patty at 200 gram. You can freezer your burgers and thaw accordingly. Best to plan ahead and thaw a day before in a proper refrigerator where it will remain at a safe temperature.
As you have noticed I have not used any salt in the blend. Only season the patty with rock salt on both sides before grill/cook as it will help keep the juice and improve flavour. Never press while cooking you?ll extract the juices that give the flavour.
At Marina Club VW, the burgers are charcoal griddled. At home, your best option is a cast-iron skillet that retains heat like nothing else. Slick your cast-iron pan with just a touch of cooking oil and get it very hot before you add the patty. This is how you will create a nice crust on the burger and a juicy, soft interior. Don?t flip or touch it except once to switch sides once it hits the pan. Cook five minutes on each side to reach a well-cooked burger, time will vary depending on thickens.

As mentioned at Marina Club VW serve only well-done burgers. According to the food code, ground beef should be cooked at 65 degrees Celsius internally and held there for 15 seconds, or 70 degrees for even a moment, in order to kill pathogens at the centre of the meat. Unlike a rare steak, a rare burger is risky because the germs from the outside of the meat have been ground inside. Cooking above will result in an overcooked dry burger. A perfect cooked well-done burger will have plenty of juice and an explosion of flavours, cooking above 70 degrees will destroy all the hard work and deliver a blunt dry burger.
Once you get into the world of blending your own burger from ground beef cuts, you?ll experience a new level of burger making that will blow you and your friends away.